
Building a BEF Force: Part 3 - Adding some Firepower

Again apologies for the long break - doesn't seem like I'm getting the hang of blogging regularly! Despite that I have made more progress on the BEF, finishing both the 2 Pounder Gun and the Vickers Machine Gun Team, hopefully giving the army a bit more of a punch - at Early War Standards at least. As you can see I managed to fit both of them on a 60mm round base, I aim to minimise the base sizes so they aren't as clumsy during a game. Luckily with the exception of a possible 25 pounder all my gun teams will be able to fit on 60mm bases. I've found that one of the few annoying things of building a 28mm all metal army is how much of a pain building the artillery guns can be. Slight bends and miscastings means that the fit will never be as flush as they are on plastic kits, and using super glue can be a double edged sword. Despite this the gun went together relatively well, I left the gunner of the gun until both were painted to make it easier. I based the other...

Building a BEF Force: Part 2 - More infantry!

With the weather being so persistently hot progress has been slow on the BEF, not helped by a flurry of 15mm building and painting (I may make a post for the Fallscrhimjaeger I have painted, but that is for another day) Regardless I have still managed to finish another 14 figures: the second infantry squad and the light support teams, a 2" Mortar and a Boys Anti Tank Rifle. Here is the figures that make up the first expansion to the force. Again all figures are warlord games metals. Sadly as they only do the one squad of BEF this squad looks similar to the first one I have painted, however the advantage is that they are lovely figures with good detail and depth which make them fun to paint. As said above only having the one set of poses will limit the variety, in a effort to combat this I made sure that each pose has a different head to the one that they had in the first squad. For instance the NCO has a moustached head with a helmet instead of the bare head in the fir...

Building a BEF Force: Part 1 - The Core

After getting the Warlord Games Dads army set when it first came out a good few years ago, the inspiration of building a 1940 British Army for Bolt Action has been sitting in the back of my mind. Following the release of the two Operation Sea Lion campaign books the idea expanded to being a larger army, a combination of regulars and the various home guard and other options offered in the campaign books. After building up the collection over Christmas and Salute 2018, I finally managed to put paint to figure and finish some units! The aim is to build the army up in a particular way, focusing on the infantry first, then the support weapons and finally the armour. So I present to you the first infantry squad and the command figures. Overall I enjoyed painting these, since they are all metal the definition was much sharper than that of plastics. However the flipside was that they chipped fairly easily, meaning a few repaints were needed along the way; they have since been sprayed wit...

Show Report - Broadside 2018

This Sunday was Broadside, the smallest show that I regularly go to. However its advantage is that it is the closest show for me, and it has a different variety of traders, the majority being smaller more local ones. After a big spend at Salute, buying most of a BEF army for bolt action and some more Blitzkrieg Germans to fight them, I only had a small list of things that I was looking for, and due to specificity I wasn't any able to find everything (unsurprisingly made to order BEF 2 pounders seem to be online only). Both Bren carriers were at 20% off which I thought was a good enough deal to justify buying them! The bag of counters are for pin markers in Bolt Action Games, although the small number of 1s and 2s led me to repaint the 9s and 8s. Also not pictured was a bag of clumped foliage that I nabbed for just £2 on the bring and buy and I will experiment later on using them on my German armour. The quality of the games varied to a significant degree, there was quite a few...

Unit Spotlight - 15mm Plastic Soldier British Sherman Platoon

Since I have not been able to do much wargaming wise in recent weeks, I thought I would share a unit of Shermans that I painted a while back. The tanks are all from Plastic Soldier Company, M4A4s for the 75mm armed ones and an M4A1 for the Firefly respectively. The models themselves went together quite well, the only issue I had was the two piece tracks not fitting together properly. However this is not too noticeable on the vehicles (You can see a small Gap at the front of the tracks on the far right Sherman), so I am not concerned as they are far easier to build than 1/72 scale models. As many allied tanks were covered in stowage during the North West Europe campaign I tried to recreate this using a mixture of stowage pieces from Plastic Soldier and Skytrex. The crew figures on the centre and left tanks are from  Flames of War, the other being the crew figure supplied with the models themselves. The sharp detailing of the models made them very easy to paint, a simple...

And we are live!

Welcome all to my new blog! I'm aiming for it to be focused mainly on bolt action, but will also be a general wargames blogs for the other scales and periods that I play! Currently focusing on both German and British armies for the early war period as the main project. Side projects include Dead Man's Hand (28mm Wild West) and 15mm German army for Market Garden Also have an instagram account - whitstable_wargamer Updates will be as frequent as possible though studying for a degree does take its time as well!