
Showing posts from June, 2018

Show Report - Broadside 2018

This Sunday was Broadside, the smallest show that I regularly go to. However its advantage is that it is the closest show for me, and it has a different variety of traders, the majority being smaller more local ones. After a big spend at Salute, buying most of a BEF army for bolt action and some more Blitzkrieg Germans to fight them, I only had a small list of things that I was looking for, and due to specificity I wasn't any able to find everything (unsurprisingly made to order BEF 2 pounders seem to be online only). Both Bren carriers were at 20% off which I thought was a good enough deal to justify buying them! The bag of counters are for pin markers in Bolt Action Games, although the small number of 1s and 2s led me to repaint the 9s and 8s. Also not pictured was a bag of clumped foliage that I nabbed for just £2 on the bring and buy and I will experiment later on using them on my German armour. The quality of the games varied to a significant degree, there was quite a few...