Building a BEF Force: Part 2 - More infantry!
With the weather being so persistently hot progress has been slow on the BEF, not helped by a flurry of 15mm building and painting (I may make a post for the Fallscrhimjaeger I have painted, but that is for another day) Regardless I have still managed to finish another 14 figures: the second infantry squad and the light support teams, a 2" Mortar and a Boys Anti Tank Rifle. Here is the figures that make up the first expansion to the force. Again all figures are warlord games metals. Sadly as they only do the one squad of BEF this squad looks similar to the first one I have painted, however the advantage is that they are lovely figures with good detail and depth which make them fun to paint. As said above only having the one set of poses will limit the variety, in a effort to combat this I made sure that each pose has a different head to the one that they had in the first squad. For instance the NCO has a moustached head with a helmet instead of the bare head in the fir...